I am a rockstar
Sunday, May 27, 2007
MCR vs Linkin Park
Oh this is TRAGIC!!! I never thought it'd come to THIS!!!! Since Ive got minutes to midnight, I haven't listened to anything else. Once I tried switching to and mcr song but got bored halfway then went back to linkin park. Feel like a TRAITOR. Okay, that's just stupid. But, it's like, once something new comes up, I ditch the old. I have a tendency to do that. Do that even to PEOPLE sometimes. Sad. Kinda feel like an ingrate to the very band whohelped me through the whole 'emo' period though. Trust me, I've been through hell and back this year, and these guys were the ones that kept me going.
But, OMG! Every SINGLE song in Minutes to midnight is BEAUTIFUL. Not exaggerating here. The lyrics are just...well they blow you away. There are a couple, just TWO songs that I'm not very fond of, but that's just because of the music. The lyrics are still amazing. LP is more mature than MCR in terms of music. Maybe lyrics sometimes. I'm not obsessed with LP. But they've kinda neutralised my obsession for mcr. MCR's still my favourite band though. ooooh. the sorrow. I'll show you my favourite song from Minutes to Midnight :D

The Little Things Give You Away
Water creeps, through the windows, up the stairs
Chilling rain, like an ocean everywhere
Don't wanna reach for me do you
I mean nothin to you
The little things give you away
And now there will be no mistakin
The levees are breakin
All you've ever wanted
Was someone to truly look up to you
And six feet under water I Do[End Chorus]
Hope decays, generations disappear
Washed away, as a nation simply stares
[Chorus]Don't wanna reach for me do you
I mean nothin to you
The little things give you away
But there will be no mistakin
The levees are breakin
All you've ever wanted
Was someone to truly look up to you
And six feet under water, I do

lifeonthemurderscene6:45 PM
Tuesday, May 22, 2007
Minutes to Midnight
I really wanna buy Linkin Park's new album!!! I used to be almost as obessessed with them in primary school as I am now with MCR. Heehee!On the bus I was wondering whether I really should buy the album and then on tv they played the minutes to midnight advertistment. IT'S A SIGN!!! And I heard the music for this weeks' prison break advertistment and recognised chester bennington's voice( yes, I am THAT pro :D)So I decided to go listen to the song. It's really niceeeee!!!! Wahaha! Okay. I have nothing better to do.

lifeonthemurderscene7:14 PM
Friday, May 18, 2007
My MP3!!!!
I was exceptionally happy today! You know why? CAUSE I FOUND MY MP3!!!!! My "mum" took it away cause I was listening to it while doing homework -_-" Dumbest reason ever. And she REFUSED to return even after she said that she would. So yesterday I was rummaging through my parents cupboards like crazy. They've got TONS of boxes with a GAZILLION things in them so I had to dig all the way down to the bottom of those huge boxes. Took me like, half an hour. I found out she has at LEAST 10 handbags. Like, what the hell for?!?! All you need is one bag to serve its friggin function!!

Then after all that trouble, I just decided to open my mum's cosmetics drawer and my beautiful MP3 was just sitting on top staring at me innocently. URGH! At night I just plugged my earphones in and pressed play for THE FIRST TIME IN ONE WRETCHED MONTH!!! Then when the music flowed through (fall-out boy's bang the doldrums) I felt like my soul was at rest....oooh. HEEHEE!!!I sound like an avengeful ghost or something stupid like that. But yeah, I am absolutely NOTHING without my music. All I could think about for the past month was my mp3. AND NOW IT'S BAACCCKKK!!! I can listen to all the MCR I want. *big grin*

lifeonthemurderscene4:00 PM
Monday, May 7, 2007
Crazy dreams
Haiz...I just had this dream about an unknown blonde tom felton look alike and now my head is messed up. I hate it. Oooh. Screw you. Good charlotte's dance floor anthem is HOT man. Love it. I watched MCR's I'm not okay video again yesteday. Still makes me laugh like an idiot. Especially where Frank does this dumb chem experiment and DRINKS it!! Who could blame him? It looked a whole lot like lemonade. Probably was. But damn he looked cute with those goggles. And black nailpolish. I dig guys with black nailpolish. And eyeliner. And earrings. Urgh. Becoming like Bao Hui.Mikey had the whole asmathic geek thing going on. Adorable. Can't believe he's MARRIED!!!
Stupid blonde.

lifeonthemurderscene1:25 PM
Loves:Mychemicalromance.Prison break.Pysch.Coverse.Hikaru&Kaoru.
Hates: MCR haters.Thatbiatch.
Wishlist: $300 Converse voucher
Get to know God
A truckload of MCR stuff
Black Epiphone Electric guitar(DUDE!Gibson rules!)
My cat's IMMORTALITY.whoots
Those $120 Black leather converse sneakers with a skull on them
More ear piercings. And a BIG crossbone earring.
More Emo wardrobe
Hot denim boots with faux fur trimming







|Deborah(Tofu no.2)|


|Farhana(Tofu no.1)|







|Hammy and Beavy|







|Poh Sin|


|Rachel(my cousin)|





|Shang Yu|


|Sherilyn Ng|

|Sherilyn Tan|


|Si Wei|


|Swee Jin|


|Vathany(Tofu no.4)|

|Ya Ju|


|Yin Xue|

|Ying Ying|





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