I am a rockstar
Thursday, November 27, 2008
Cookies & Cream!!
Okay, just wanted to show you guys pics of the BRAND NEW CONVERSE SHOES I got from peninsula plaza.
I dunno why the qualities so bad but whatever. My new darlings were inspired by none other than the rock band BLACK SABBATH! YAY! The one on the left is cookie and the one on the right is cream =). FYI, they are the gay boyfriends of my other converse babies, Hikaru and Kaoru. One big happy family. I aim on having AT LEAST 7 pairs of converse shoes, one for each day of the week :D:D:D

lifeonthemurderscene12:39 PM
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
Converse HEAVEN!
Just got cookie(my beloved laptop back). He wouldn't work from tuesday cause of some crappy trojan horse that kept popping up...unwanted pics. Oh, the HORROR! What is the POINT of a bloody computer virus anyways, cause i tell you,it's not much fun when you're on the RECIEVING end of it. Tsk. Had to pay the nearby com repair shop 85 BUCKS to get him fixed. Thanks dad!!!

Went to peninsula plaza yesterday. I know. Its one of those horribly unsophisticated run-down shopping malls patronised by...er, the LOWER beings of our species and I wouldn't have considered stepping foot in it if I hadn't been forced to do so by my parents. Mum tempted me by promising to buy me a pair of Converse Sneakers. Honestly, how could I refuse? That woman knows all my weaknesses and USES it to lure me to go shopping. SHOCKINGLY, I didn't regret it one bit. There were shops with TONS of converse sneakers. I felt like I'd died and gone to sneaker heaven. Haiz...
Saw a gorgeous MCR jacket. MUST BUY!!! But I'm broke.

lifeonthemurderscene4:29 PM
Friday, November 7, 2008
Dedicated specially to siwei!AHAHAHA!
You amuse me you stupid pig. And yes, even though you won't admit it, I KNOW YOU LOVE ME MORE THAN YOU LOVE......*coughcough*

lifeonthemurderscene5:01 PM
Monday, November 3, 2008
Bad Dream
Just finished OP. Screwed it up big time. Surprise surprise. That's why I've been so worried. the whole year throught. Cause I just KNEW it would turn out like this. I know myself far too well to hope otherwise. Oh well, no use moping over what a fool I am right?
I have Keane's Bad Dream on replay right now.
"I wake up, it's a bad dream, no one on my side
I was fighting, but I just feel too tired
To be fighting, guess I'm not the fighting kind"
Hah. How apt.

lifeonthemurderscene1:11 PM
Loves:Mychemicalromance.Prison break.Pysch.Coverse.Hikaru&Kaoru.
Hates: MCR haters.Thatbiatch.
Wishlist: $300 Converse voucher
Get to know God
A truckload of MCR stuff
Black Epiphone Electric guitar(DUDE!Gibson rules!)
My cat's IMMORTALITY.whoots
Those $120 Black leather converse sneakers with a skull on them
More ear piercings. And a BIG crossbone earring.
More Emo wardrobe
Hot denim boots with faux fur trimming







|Deborah(Tofu no.2)|


|Farhana(Tofu no.1)|







|Hammy and Beavy|







|Poh Sin|


|Rachel(my cousin)|





|Shang Yu|


|Sherilyn Ng|

|Sherilyn Tan|


|Si Wei|


|Swee Jin|


|Vathany(Tofu no.4)|

|Ya Ju|


|Yin Xue|

|Ying Ying|





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Resources : X X X

Base codes : inkSPLASH