I am a rockstar
Thursday, June 28, 2007
MCR obssessed. Again
Right. Just to clarify, two days fter I wrote the previous blogpost I decided to listen to an MCR song and I FELL IN LOVE WITH THEM AGAIN!!WHOOTS!It's like you know, sometimes in a relationship you get too close to the person so the both of you decide you need a break from each other for like, a couple of weeks. The only difference is mine only took a couple of days. I know. I sound crazy with the whole relationship thing right?

Anyways, I was checking out some FRANK IERO pics the other day, and I realised he's my DREAM guy :D WiTh the earrings, eyeliner and black nail polish and all that.
<-- Tell me, who can resist THAT! whoots. THERE'S MORE!! ENJOY!!!

lifeonthemurderscene7:04 PM
Loves:Mychemicalromance.Prison break.Pysch.Coverse.Hikaru&Kaoru.
Hates: MCR haters.Thatbiatch.
Wishlist: $300 Converse voucher
Get to know God
A truckload of MCR stuff
Black Epiphone Electric guitar(DUDE!Gibson rules!)
My cat's IMMORTALITY.whoots
Those $120 Black leather converse sneakers with a skull on them
More ear piercings. And a BIG crossbone earring.
More Emo wardrobe
Hot denim boots with faux fur trimming







|Deborah(Tofu no.2)|


|Farhana(Tofu no.1)|







|Hammy and Beavy|







|Poh Sin|


|Rachel(my cousin)|





|Shang Yu|


|Sherilyn Ng|

|Sherilyn Tan|


|Si Wei|


|Swee Jin|


|Vathany(Tofu no.4)|

|Ya Ju|


|Yin Xue|

|Ying Ying|





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